151 Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorer Scout Young Leaders and Leaders attended this years service of remembrance and parade at the Wood Green War Memorial.
Smart, polite, well behaved and over 90% attendance rate- we couldn’t be prouder. The parade was made up of dignitaries, current and previous service men, Sea Cadets, Police Cadets and other Scouts from 16th Wood Green, 4th Wood Green and Tottenham Explorers.
Over the previous week, all sections had completed Remembrance themed activities in their regularly meetings including learning about remembrance, armistice day and “Marching 101” to prepare for the Parade itself.
After the public event we returned to @ScoutParkN11 for a Group wide gathering with some badges, awards and presentations as well as inter-section socialising.
Thanks to the Group Executive (and @krispykremeUK) for providing refreshments to help everyone warm up on our return!
Special thanks Andrew Donn, County Commisioner at Greater London North Scouts, for joining us to present teams who took part in the recent Chiltern 20 Challange with their certficate, including a trophy for the winning team “the Village Green Preservation Society”.