Our Squirrels Scouts headed to “Fundays” at Gilwell Park- the first youth event at Scout Adventures since 2019, and the first national event inviting Squirrels to join in!
Meeting bright and early we jumped on the minibus to head to Gilwell Park, the traditional home of Scouting and flagship national activity centre. Once we had arrived the Squirrels helped pitch our camp for the day, said hello! to Lord Baden Powell himself before setting of in search of the day adventures.

The beauty of fundays is that there are hours and hour of activities on offer and Squirrels are free to roam and pick and choose their own programme for the day.
Our ever fearless Squirrels headed straight to the “Lid” and harnessed up for climbing, high ropes and bouldering activities before venturing outside to the inflatables and caving.

After a picnic lunch and a chance to explore a bit more of Gilwell Park we headed off to Grass Sledging followed by the craft tent, face painting and one of the most popular activities of the day, Trampolining!

All this took place and what turned out to be the hottest day of the year, so there was only one way to finish off the day- Ice cream! We then headed back to the bus which was a much, much quieter journey than it had been in the morning as everyone was exhausted from such a busy day.