This week, the Scouts at 9th Muswell Hill have demonstrated perfectly a number of the Scout laws – taking care of property and being considerate to their local community as they litter picked their way around Oliver Tambo Recreation Ground.

The darkness posed no barrier as, head torches on, they explored wooded areas and playgrounds, emerging with bags brimming with rubbish. They sorted the recycling from the rest of the rubbish carefully.

Tom Bauss, one of the Scouts at 9th Muswell Hill, said:

“I walk through OR Tambo Rec every day on my way to school and have spent many happy times at the cafe, tennis courts and playgrounds when I was younger. Having gained so much, I think it’s really important to give something back. We had a bit of a competition going on for how much rubbish we could collect… so it was great fun, too.”

Emma Burridge, Chair of Friends of Oliver Tambo Recreation Ground, expressed her thanks to the Scouts at 9th Muswell Hill, saying:

“What you have done has made a real difference. It’s wonderful to see a group of young people so motivated to help their community. Thank you, 9th Muswell Hill Scouts!””